Source code for


*Application with bindings for commands*

Quick demo::

    >>> import sample
    >>> from import CliApplication, add_argument
    >>> app = CliApplication(sample)
    >>> @add_argument('--verbose', target='verbose', action='store_true')
    >>> @app.register_handler()
    >>> def hello(opts):
    ...     if opts.verbose:
    ...         print("Being verbose!")
    ...     print("Hello")
    >>> if __name__ == '__main__':
    ...     app.dispatch()

This example provides an application with a command `hello` that takes an
optional `verbose` flag. The framework also provides help, configures and loads
settings (using :py:mod:`pyapp.conf`), an interface to the checks framework
and configures the Python logging framework.

There are however a few more things that are required to get this going. The
:py:class:`CliApplication` class expects a certain structure of your
application to allow for it's (customisable) defaults to be applied.

Your application should have the following structure::

    my_app/          # Include a __version__ variable
           # This is where the quick demo is located
   # The default settings file


.. autoclass:: CliApplication
    :members: register_handler, dispatch

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import argparse
    import argcomplete
except ImportError:
    argcomplete = None
import io
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import sys

# Type annotation imports
from typing import List, Callable, Any, Dict, Union, Optional  # noqa

from pyapp import conf
from pyapp import extensions
from import builtin_handlers
from pyapp.conf import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class HandlerProxy(object):
    Proxy object that wraps a handler.
    def __init__(self, handler, sub_parser):
        # type: (Callable, argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None
        Initialise proxy

        :param handler: Callable object that accepts a single argument.
        :type sub_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser

        self.handler = handler
        self.sub_parser = sub_parser

        # Copy details
        self.__doc__ = handler.__doc__
        self.__name__ = handler.__name__
        self.__module__ = handler.__module__

        # Add any existing arguments
        if hasattr(handler, 'arguments'):
            for args, kwargs in handler.arguments:
                self.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
            del handler.arguments

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.handler(*args, **kwargs)

    def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Add argument to proxy
        self.sub_parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
        return self

def add_argument(*args, **kwargs):
    # type: (str, Any) -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]
    Decorator for adding arguments to a handler.

    This decorator can be used before or after the handler registration
    decorator :meth:`CliApplication.register_handler` has been used.

    def wrapper(func):
        # type: (Union[Callable, HandlerProxy]) -> Union[Callable, HandlerProxy]
        if isinstance(func, HandlerProxy):
            func.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
            # Add the argument to a list that will be consumed by HandlerProxy.
            if not hasattr(func, 'arguments'):
                func.arguments = [(args, kwargs)]
                func.arguments.insert(0, (args, kwargs))
        return func
    return wrapper

[docs]class CliApplication(object): """ :param root_module: The root module for this application (used for discovery of other modules) :param name: Name of your application; defaults to `sys.argv[0]` :param description: A description of your application for `--help`. :param version: Specify a specific version; defaults to `getattr(root_module, '__version__')` :param application_settings: The default settings for this application; defaults to `root_module.default_settings` :param application_checks: Location of application checks file; defaults to `root_module.checks` if it exists. """ default_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) """ Log handler applied by default to root logger. """ default_log_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(name)s | %(message)s") """ Log formatter applied by default to root logger handler. """ env_settings_key = conf.DEFAULT_ENV_KEY """ Key used to define settings file in environment. """ env_loglevel_key = 'PYAPP_LOGLEVEL' """ Key used to define log level in environment """ additional_handlers = ( builtin_handlers.extensions, builtin_handlers.settings, ) """ Handlers to be added when builtin handlers are registered. """ def __init__(self, root_module, name=None, description=None, version=None, application_settings=None, application_checks=None, env_settings_key=None, env_loglevel_key=None, default_handler=None): self.root_module = root_module self.application_version = version or getattr(root_module, '__version__', 'Unknown') self._default_handler = default_handler def key_help(key): if key in os.environ: return '{} [{}]'.format(key, os.environ[key]) return key # Create argument parser self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(name, description=description) self.parser.add_argument('--settings', dest='settings', help='Settings to load; either a Python module or settings URL. ' 'Defaults to the env variable: {}'.format(key_help(self.env_settings_key))) self.parser.add_argument('--nocolor', dest='no_color', action='store_true', help="Disable colour output (if colorama is installed).") self.parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s version: {}'.format(self.application_version)) # Log configuration self.parser.add_argument('--log-level', dest='log_level', default=os.environ.get(self.env_loglevel_key, 'INFO'), choices=('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'), help='Specify the log level to be used. ' 'Defaults to env variable: {}'.format(key_help(self.env_loglevel_key))) # Global check values self.parser.add_argument('--checks', dest='checks_on_startup', action='store_true', help='Run checks on startup, any serious error will result ' 'in the application terminating.') self.parser.add_argument('--checks-level', dest='checks_message_level', default='INFO', choices=('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'), help='Minimum level of check message to display') # Create sub parsers self.sub_parsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(dest='handler') self._handlers = {} self.register_builtin_handlers() # Determine application settings if application_settings is None: application_settings = '{}.default_settings'.format(root_module.__name__) self.application_settings = application_settings # Determine application checks if application_checks is None: application_checks = '{}.checks'.format(root_module.__name__) self.application_checks = application_checks # Override default value if env_settings_key is not None: self.env_settings_key = env_settings_key if env_loglevel_key is not None: self.env_loglevel_key = env_loglevel_key @property def application_name(self): # type: () -> str return self.parser.prog @property def application_summary(self): # type: () -> str description = self.parser.description if description: return "{} version {} - {}".format(self.application_name, self.application_version, description) else: return "{} version {}".format(self.application_name, self.application_version) def command(self, handler=None, cli_name=None): # type: (Callable, str) -> Union[Callable, Callable[[Callable], Callable]] """ Decorator for registering handlers. The description for help is taken from the handlers doc string. :param handler: Handler function :param cli_name: Optional name to use for CLI; defaults to the function name. :rtype: HandlerProxy """ def inner(func): # type: (Callable) -> Callable name = cli_name or func.__name__ # Setup sub parser doc = func.__doc__ sub_parser = self.sub_parsers.add_parser( name, help=doc.strip() if doc else None ) # Create proxy instance proxy = HandlerProxy(func, sub_parser) self._handlers[name] = proxy return proxy return inner(handler) if handler else inner # Renamed to command added to remain backwards compatible register_handler = command def run_checks(self, output, message_level=logging.INFO, tags=None, verbose=False, no_color=False, table=False): # type: (io.StringIO, int, Optional[List[str]], bool, bool, bool) -> bool """ Run application checks. :param output: File like object to write output to. :param message_level: Reporting level. :param tags: Specific tags to run. :param verbose: Display verbose output. :param no_color: Disable coloured output. :param table: Tabular output (disables verbose and colour option) """ from pyapp.checks.registry import import_checks from import CheckReport, TabularCheckReport # Import default application checks try: __import__(self.application_checks) except ImportError: pass # Import additional checks defined in settings. import_checks() # Note the getLevelName method returns the level code if a string level is supplied! message_level = logging.getLevelName(message_level) # Create report instance if table: return TabularCheckReport(output).run(message_level, tags) else: return CheckReport(verbose, no_color, output).run(message_level, tags, "Checks for {}".format(self.application_summary)) def register_builtin_handlers(self): # type: () -> None """ Register any built in handlers. """ # Register the checks handler @add_argument('-t', '--tag', dest='tags', action='append', help="Run checks associated with a tag.") @add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose output.") @add_argument('--out', dest='out', default=sys.stdout, type=argparse.FileType(mode='w'), help='File to output check report to; default is stdout.') @add_argument('--table', dest='table', action='store_true', help='Output report in tabular format.') @self.command(cli_name='checks') def check_report(opts): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> None """ Run a check report. """ if self.run_checks(opts.out, opts.checks_message_level, opts.tags, opts.verbose, opts.no_color, opts.table): sys.exit(4) # Register any additional handlers for additional_handler in self.additional_handlers: additional_handler(self) def pre_configure_logging(self, opts): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> None """ Set some default logging so setting are logged. The main logging configuration from settings leaving us with a chicken and egg situation. """ handler = self.default_log_handler handler.formatter = self.default_log_formatter # Apply handler to root logger and set level. logging.root.handlers = [handler] logging.root.setLevel(opts.log_level) def configure_settings(self, opts): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> None """ Configure settings container. """ settings.configure(self.application_settings, opts.settings, env_settings_key=self.env_settings_key) @staticmethod def configure_logging(opts): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> None """ Configure the logging framework. """ if settings.LOGGING:"Applying logging configuration.") # Set a default version if not supplied by settings dict_config = settings.LOGGING.copy() dict_config.setdefault('version', 1) logging.config.dictConfig(dict_config) # Configure root log level logging.root.setLevel(opts.log_level) @staticmethod def configure_extensions(_): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> None """ Load/Configure extensions. """ extensions.registry.load_from_settings() # Load settings into from extensions, do not override as # extensions are loaded after the main settings file so only # settings that do not already exist should be loaded. settings.load_from_loaders( extensions.registry.settings_loaders, override=False ) # Indicate that everything is loaded and and initialisation # can be performed. extensions.registry.trigger_ready() def checks_on_startup(self, opts): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> None """ Run checks on startup. """ if opts.checks_on_startup: out = io.StringIO() serious_error = self.run_checks(out, opts.checks_message_level, None, True, False) if serious_error: logger.error("Check results:\n%s", out.getvalue()) sys.exit(4) else:"Check results:\n%s", out.getvalue()) @staticmethod def exception_report(exception, opts): # type: (Exception, argparse.Namespace) -> bool """ Generate a report for any unhandled exceptions caught by the framework. """ logger.exception("Un-handled exception %s caught executing handler: %s", exception, opts.handler) return False def default_handler(self, opts): # type: (argparse.Namespace) -> int """ Handler called if no handler is specified """ if self._default_handler: return self._default_handler(opts) else: print("No command specified!") self.parser.print_usage() return 1 @staticmethod def call_handler(handler, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Callable, Any, Any) -> int """ Actually call the handler and return the status code. This allows for this method to be modified to provide additional functionality. """ return handler(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dispatch(self, args=None): # type: (Dict[str, str]) -> None """ Dispatch command to registered handler. """ # Enable auto complete if available if argcomplete: argcomplete.autocomplete(self.parser) opts = self.parser.parse_args(args) self.pre_configure_logging(opts) self.configure_settings(opts)"Starting %s", self.application_summary) if opts.handler == 'checks': # If checks command just configure extensions. self.configure_extensions(opts) else: # If checks handler don't configure logging or call the "checks on # startup" process. self.configure_logging(opts) self.checks_on_startup(opts) self.configure_extensions(opts) # Handle case where a handler is not supplied. if not opts.handler: handler = self.default_handler else: handler = self._handlers[opts.handler] # Dispatch to handler. try: exit_code = self.call_handler(handler, opts) except Exception as ex: if not self.exception_report(ex, opts): raise except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\nInterrupted.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) else: # Provide exit code. if exit_code: sys.exit(exit_code)