Sphinx Documentation

Integration with Sphinx to enable automatic generation of documentation from your application.

Built on top of the sphinx.ext.autodoc extension.

This extension is used to generate the base-settings documentation for pyApp.


To install the Sphinx extension, add:

Add sphinx.ext.autodoc and pyapp.documentation.sphinx to the extensions list in your Sphinx conf.py file.

# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [

Documenting Settings

.. autopyapp-settings:: name

This directive will generate documentation of the settings defined in the specified module.



If specified, the settings will not be indexed in the table of contents.


If specified, the settings keys will be grouped by pyapp.typed_settings.SettingsDef.


If specified, the settings keys will be sorted.


.. autopyapp-settings:: myapp.default_settings