Source code for pyapp.conf


*Provides a simple woy to add settings to your application.*

Management of loading of settings from different file types and merging into
a simple easy to use settings object.


    >>> from pyapp.conf import settings
    >>> # Configure default settings
    >>> settings.configure('my_app.default_settings')

    >>> settings.MY_CONFIG_VALUE

.. note::
    All settings must be UPPER_CASE. If a setting is not upper case it will not
    be imported into the settings object.

The settings object also has helper methods to simplify your testing::

    >>> from pyapp.conf import settings
    >>> with settings.modify() as patch:
    ...     patch.MY_CONFIG_VALUE = 'bar'
    ...     settings.MY_CONFIG_VALUE
    >>> settings.MY_CONFIG_VALUE

In addition to changing values new values can be added or existing values
removed using the `del` keyword. Once the context has been exited all changes
are reverted.

Testing CLI Commands

When testing the CLI settings loading can be a problem if your test case loads
different settings or requires changes to be applied to settings files for test
cases to execute correctly.

To reset settings to allow the CLI to rebuild the settings object use the

    >>> from pyapp.conf import settings
    >>> with settings.modify() as patch:
    ...     patch.reset_settings()
    ...     assert not settings.is_configured
    >>> assert settings.is_configured

Just like with any usage of ``settings.modify()`` the origional settings are
restored once the with block is exited.


.. autoclass:: Settings
    :members: is_configured, load, configure, modify


.. automodule:: pyapp.conf.loaders


.. autoclass:: ModuleLoader


.. autoclass:: ObjectLoader

.. automodule:: pyapp.conf.loaders.file_loader


.. autoclass:: FileLoader

.. automodule:: pyapp.conf.loaders.http_loader


.. autoclass:: HttpLoader

Default settings

.. automodule:: pyapp.conf.base_settings


import logging
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Protocol, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from import IO

from pyapp.conf import base_settings
from pyapp.conf.loaders import Loader, ModuleLoader

from . import loaders

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class ModifySettingsContext:
    Context object used to make temporary modifications to settings.

    The main use-case for this feature is within test cases.

    Settings can be added/replaced/removed and when the context is exited the
    changes are reverted.


        Changes made to an item (eg dictionary) are not reverted at this time,
        to make changes to these items replace them with a clone.


        >>> # Directly add settings (you shouldn't normally do this!)
        >>> settings.EXISTING_SETTING = "Foo"
        >>> settings.LIST_SETTING = ["Item A", "Item B"]
        >>> # Make some changes
        >>> with settings.modify() as modify:
        ...     # Add a new setting
        ...     modify.NEW_SETTING = 10
        ...     assert settings.NEW_SETTING == 10
        ...     # Remove an existing setting
        ...     del modify.EXISTING_SETTING
        ...     assert not hasattr(settings, "EXISTING_SETTING")
        ...     # Clone a list
        ...     modify.LIST_SETTING = modify.LIST_SETTING.clone()
        ...     modify.LIST_SETTING.append("New Item")
        >>> # Compare with initial state
        >>> assert not hasattr(settings, "NEW_SETTING")
        >>> assert settings.EXISTING_SETTING == "Foo"
        >>> assert settings.LIST_SETTING == ["Item A", "Item B"]


    def __init__(self, settings_container: "Settings"):
        self.__dict__.update(_container=settings_container, _roll_back=[])

    def __enter__(self) -> "ModifySettingsContext":
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        # Restore the state by running the rollback actions in reverse
        for action, args in reversed(self._roll_back):

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        # Proxy the underlying settings container
        return getattr(self._container, item)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        items = self._container.__dict__

        if key in items:  # noqa: SIM108
            # Prepare an action that puts the current value back
            action = items.__setitem__, (key, items.get(key))
            # Prepare an action to remove the key again
            action = items.__delitem__, (key,)

        items[key] = value

    def __delattr__(self, item):
        items = self._container.__dict__

        if item in items:
            # Prepare an action that puts the current value back
            action = items.__setitem__, (item, items.get(item))

            del items[item]

    def reset_settings(self):
        Completely reset all settings (including SETTINGS_SOURCES) to allow
        reloading to occur.

        This is useful for testing CLI entry points
        container = self._container

        # Save and remove existing settings
        saved_settings = [(key, container.__dict__.pop(key)) for key in container.keys]

        # Initialise base settings
        container._populate_base_settings()  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        def restore_():
            # Remove new settings
            for key in container.keys:
                del container.__dict__[key]

            # Restore saved settings

        # Add restore action
        action = restore_, ()

[docs] class Settings: """ Settings container """ def __init__(self, base_settings_=None): self._populate_base_settings(base_settings_) def __getattr__(self, item): raise AttributeError(f"Setting not defined {item!r}") def __setattr__(self, key, value): raise AttributeError("Readonly object") def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__dict__[item] def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return dict(self.items()) def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]): self.__dict__.update(state) def __repr__(self) -> str: sources = self.SETTINGS_SOURCES or "UN-CONFIGURED" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({sources})" def _populate_base_settings(self, base_settings_=None): base_settings_ = base_settings_ or base_settings # Copy values from base settings file. self.__dict__.update( (k, getattr(base_settings_, k)) for k in dir(base_settings_) if k.upper() ) self.__dict__["SETTINGS_SOURCES"] = [] # pylint: disable=invalid-name @property def is_configured(self) -> bool: """ Settings have been configured (or some initial settings have been loaded). """ return bool(self.SETTINGS_SOURCES) @property def keys(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ All settings keys available """ return [key for key in self.__dict__ if key.isupper()] def items(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]: """ Return a sorted iterable of all key/value pairs of settings """ data = self.__dict__ for key in sorted(self.keys): yield key, data[key]
[docs] def load(self, loader: Loader, apply_method=None): """ Load settings from a loader instance. A loader is an iterator that yields key/value pairs. See :py:class:`pyapp.conf.loaders.ModuleLoader` as an example. """ apply_method = apply_method or self.__dict__.__setitem__ loader_key = str(loader) if loader_key in self.SETTINGS_SOURCES: warnings.warn( f"Settings already loaded: {loader_key}", category=ImportWarning, stacklevel=2, ) logger.warning("Settings already loaded: %s", loader_key) return # Prevent circular loading"Loading settings from: %s", loader_key) # Apply values from loader with loader: for key, value in loader: logger.debug("Importing setting: %s", key) apply_method(key, value) # Store loader key to prevent circular loading self.SETTINGS_SOURCES.append(loader_key) # Handle instances of INCLUDE entries include_settings = self.__dict__.pop("INCLUDE_SETTINGS", None) if include_settings: for source_url in include_settings: self.load(loaders.factory(source_url), apply_method)
def load_from_loaders(self, loader_list: Sequence[Loader], override: bool = True): """ Load settings from a list of loaders. :param loader_list: List of loader instances. :param override: If True loaders override existing items else existing items are left untouched. """ apply_method = None if override else self.__dict__.setdefault for loader in loader_list: self.load(loader, apply_method)
[docs] def configure( self, default_settings: Union[str, Sequence[str]], runtime_settings: str = None, additional_loaders: Sequence[Loader] = None, env_settings_key: str = DEFAULT_ENV_KEY, ): """ Configure the settings object :param default_settings: Your applications and extensions default settings. :param runtime_settings: Settings defined for the current runtime (eg from the command line) :param additional_loaders: Additional loaders to execute :param env_settings_key: Environment variable key used to override the runtime_settings. """ logger.debug("Configuring settings...") # Allow a simple string to be supplied if isinstance(default_settings, str): default_settings = [default_settings] # Build list of loaders loader_list: List[Loader] = [ModuleLoader(s) for s in default_settings] # Add run time settings (which can be overridden or specified by an # environment variable). runtime_settings = runtime_settings or os.environ.get(env_settings_key) if runtime_settings: loader_list.append(loaders.factory(runtime_settings)) # Append the additional loaders if defined if additional_loaders: loader_list.extend(additional_loaders) # Actually load settings from each loader self.load_from_loaders(loader_list) logger.debug("Settings loaded %s.", settings.SETTINGS_SOURCES)
[docs] def modify(self) -> ModifySettingsContext: """ Apply changes to settings file using a context manager that will roll back the changes on exit of a with block. Designed to simplify test cases. This should be used with a context manager: >>> settings = Settings() >>> with settings.modify() as patch: >>> # Change a setting >>> patch.FOO = 'foo' >>> # Remove a setting >>> del patch.BAR :rtype: ModifySettingsContext """ return ModifySettingsContext(self)
settings = Settings() # pylint: disable=invalid-name class Serialiser(Protocol): """Protocol a serialiser must meet.""" def dump(self, obj: Dict[str, Any], file: IO): """ Dump data into the file(like) object """ def load(self, file: IO) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Load data from a file(like) object """ def export_settings(file: IO, *, serialiser: Serialiser = pickle): """ Export settings into specified file(like) object using specified serialiser. The default serialiser is pickle """ state = settings.__getstate__() serialiser.dump(state, file) def restore_settings(file: IO, *, serialiser: Serialiser = pickle): """ Restore settings from specified file(like) object using specified serialiser. The default serialiser is pickle """ state = serialiser.load(file) settings.__setstate__(state)